   The next ILUG-Delhi meeting will be held at 2pm, at the JNU
Bio-Informatics Centre, on Sun., Aug., 19th. I am posting this
on behalf of our esteemed  general secretary who is indisposed
courtesy of a non-fatal motorcycle accident  (normally I would
extend more sympathy,  but on a motorcycle on Delhi roads, you
are asking for it, in my opinion. Gaurav is up and about, and
should be at the meeting). Here is a tentative agenda:
1. Presentation on OpenMoko by Deepank Gupta:
   Introduction to OpenMoko
   OpenMoko is the first truly open platform for Mobile Phones
   and other Embedded Systems. Although we have open solution
   for applications and GUI in PCs but there is nothing in the
   Mobile phones. OpenMoko will provide the building blocks
   which will give mobile developers the freedom to create
   complex and innovative applications and will benifit everyone
   ranging from consumers to service providers, hardware developers
   and tech-enthusiasts.

   This presentation will aim at introducing openMoko platform
   along with the specifications and the hardware of neo1973 (the
   first phone over which openMoko has been implemented). OpenMoko
   platform is built over openEmbedded and provides its own set of
   libraries over conventional Linux such as GSM, dbus, GPS etc.
   The presentation will discuss about the current state of work
   done on the platform and provide an introduction on the various
   build tools such as bitbake and openembedded needed for the
   development. It will also include a sneak preview into QEMU. 

   The platform is still in a pre-alpha stage and is undergoing
   rapid development. So, the current phone is only meant for
   geeks and tech-enthusiasts, I will include a tutorial on
   flashing openMoko on the neo and will also include demos for
   playing songs and making calls from the phone. 

2. Review of status of freed.in, and open call for volunteers:
   If you are interested in working for freed.in 2007, please
   be at the meeting.

3. Atul Chitnis, of foss.in fame, will also be at the meeting.
   According to him, he is only here to listen, so it is up to
   you all to show up and stop him from speaking. Seriously
   though, this is a good opportunity to show up, and hear
   about the refocused aims of foss.in, and to talk about how
   better to join hands to foster a genuine FOSS movement across


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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