On 17-Aug-07, at 1:16 PM, Anupam Jain wrote:

> *could* try to hammer into his head why package management is a  
> much better
> option than installers but instead I just introduced him to synaptic..

synaptic is the same as apt-get - no problem using it. Until it  
doesnt work for some reason ...
> I
> could teach him VIM but I'd rather tell him to use gedit.. I could  
> ask him
> to download using wget but I'd rather say "drag drop the link into  
> the kget
> icon".. It's the only way we can all get along amicably..

i have a newbie friend who is in coimbatore and I have to sit in  
chennai and debug things over the phone. The trouble with GUI is that  
it is useless when it comes to debugging a problem. He knows to open  
a console, to su to root - all other commands, i spell out the  
command and ask him to press enter when done. Editing, still no  
problem - i make him cd to the relevant directory and type kwrite on  
the prompt and press enter. He uses kwrite to edit and save, exits  
and he is back on the command prompt. So no need to teach him vi or  
vim or emacs. In the instant case he was sharing files between two  
machines using the gui to set up sharing over ssh and konqueror to do  
the copying etc. But it stopped working - and all the gui could say  
was 'unable to connect'. In these cases, one has to do ping, ssh from  
the console, look at logs ... one thing i can say for him, he records  
all the sessions on the console, saves everything and learns quite a  
lot. If everything works - nothing like gui. But everything doesnt  
just work, and a guy who is unable to try some CLI stuff to debug  
might as well go back to doze where everything either works or you  
live with what doesnt work.


Kenneth Gonsalves
Associate, NRC-FOSS

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