On 9/9/07, das দাশ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-09-09 at 01:09 +0530, Ravi Shanker wrote:
> > 3. recompile mozilla firefox with little HACK not to share the common
> > comtainer
> Can some configure options be given like that? This is quite
> interesting. Never tried that.
> > 5. Make multiple user account on computer, say user1, user2,
> > user3 ...In
> > terminal login as user1 and open firefox from there. Since the
> > preference directory for firefox will be all in user's specific dir,
> > it
> > wont be using same cache/
> If you mean the solution is like opening a GUI terminal, and then 'su
> user1', x-server does not allow to open another display. At least this
> is what happens on Ubuntu. Even su into root, and then as root, 'su
> user1' too does not allow it.

typically you can do this..
1) open a terminal
   $ xhost +
   $ su - otheruser
   $ export DISPLAY=:0.0  (or DISPLAY=urip:0.0 )
   $ firefox

for each user, repeat (2) & (3)  in a different terminal.

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