On Friday 21 September 2007 04:27, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> Sudev Barar wrote:
> > Karanbir it would indeed be nice to do key signing party. I will
> > see if this can be added to the program...maybe during first day
> > itself.
> sounds good, just remember to let people know that they need atleast
> 1 form of photo-id on them that they dont mind showing other people.
> And they should have a few copies of their gpg fingerprint *on paper*
> that they can give other people to take away ( and sign whenever they
> get online ! )

Write-up on participating in (this) keysigning party up at:


This was written at 3am, so may contain errors, even though I am God and 
can write a bugfree Hello, World in less than 3 tries.  Feedback 
welcome, or even better, since it's a Wiki, make fixes yourself.  I'll 
ask Kishore to announce the keysigning party on the freed.in web site.

We will be providing printouts of all the keys in the keyring on 
biglumber.com to the keysigning party participants.


-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
 Freedom in Technology & Software || September 2007 || http://freed.in/
       GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
PsyTrance & Chill: http://schizoid.in/   ||   It is the mind that moves

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