On Wed, 2007-10-10 at 12:00 +0530, Gaurav Mishra wrote:
> Hi all,
>   Freed.in is over with a huge success, So what`s next....
>   Time for next monthly meet, We already have a proposal of talk from
> Lalit Shandilya of switch prompt giving a view on his innovative
> non-profit startup
> I donate my skills.
> Want more on Agenda, Having ideas ?. Put a proposal , we will love to
> hear from ya .

I think that there should be a public discussion of Freed, and
how does ILUG-Delhi feel it should be positioned in the future.
E.g., should we go for a larger, more professionally produced
event like foss.in, a slick event aimed at corporations like
Linux-Asia, or should we break it up into smaller, more
focused events. Feedback on this year's events, and a discussion
on how to increase participation should also be on the agenda.

> Date :- 20th oct or 27th oct

I thought that we had agreed on the third Sun. of each month,
i.e., date should be the 21st. Sun. afternoon/early evening
seems to work out well, and many people work on Sat. If you
want to change the current setup, you should ask for input.

> Venue :- Suggestions ...

JNU, and Sarai are always available, but I vote that we should
have it somewhere else. NSIT? Deepank, you there? How about
also trying to get IIT-Delhi involved? Anyone have contacts?


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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