  We had a meeting last Thu., 11/10, to analyse Freed
2007. Sorry for the delay in sending these minutes,
especially as some important decisions were taken, but
here they are:
1. The structure of the Freed organising committee will
   be majorly revamped:
   o Besides a core group, a much more active second
     layer of organisers will be set up, using the
     freed mailing list. Most organisational work will
     actually happen here, and the core group will only
     make sensitive decisions, such as those relating
     to sponsorship, and finances.
   o Direct employees of sponsoring organisations will
     no longer be part of the core group so as to avoid
     conflicts of interest.
       I hasten to add here that this has nothing to do
     with the organising of Freed 2007, and I will go on
     record as saying that without the involvement of
     Ms. Valsa Williams, the event would not have been
     nearly the success that it was. We do hope that she
     will continue to be part of the larger organising
   o Any member of ILUG-D can nominate themselves to be
     part of the core Freed organising group, but a
     decision will be taken by voting within the ILUG-D
     office bearers.

2. Freed 2008 is fixed for Fri./Sat., 22nd/23rd Feb.,
   and will again be held at JNU. Please mark your
   calendars. Some ideas about the event:
   o Use independent sub-committees to handle different
     tasks. These will report to the main organising
     committee, but not everyone needs to be involved
     in everything.
   o We were successful, as usual, at getting students
     to attend the event. However we need more outreach
     efforts aimed at NGOs, government bodies, and other
     non-profit organisations that are part of our target
   o Have fewer tracks, and more focussed, higher-quality
     talks. Tentative areas of interest for the Feb. 2008
       - Multimedia
       - Games
       - Content development?
       - Education?

3. Kapil Dua is writing a new conference management application,
   with a first version due the first week of Nov.
   o Raj Mathur: Specifications for application
   o Niyam Bhushan: Interface design

4. We will actively approach various people from outside Delhi
   to be remote organisers, participating in things like talk
   selection, outreach, etc. If you would like to nominate
   yourself for this, please send mail to the freed mailing
   list (copied on this message).


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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