My responses to everything wrong with this document are posted to the mailing list:

Please continue the discussion there.

-- Raju

On Monday 15 October 2007 14:31, Gora Mohanty wrote:
> Hi,
>   We had a meeting last Thu., 11/10, to analyse Freed
> 2007. Sorry for the delay in sending these minutes,
> especially as some important decisions were taken, but
> here they are:
> 1. The structure of the Freed organising committee will
>    be majorly revamped:
>    o Besides a core group, a much more active second
>      layer of organisers will be set up, using the
>      freed mailing list. Most organisational work will
>      actually happen here, and the core group will only
>      make sensitive decisions, such as those relating
>      to sponsorship, and finances.
>    o Direct employees of sponsoring organisations will
>      no longer be part of the core group so as to avoid
>      conflicts of interest.
>        I hasten to add here that this has nothing to do
>      with the organising of Freed 2007, and I will go on
>      record as saying that without the involvement of
>      Ms. Valsa Williams, the event would not have been
>      nearly the success that it was. We do hope that she
>      will continue to be part of the larger organising
>      group.
>    o Any member of ILUG-D can nominate themselves to be
>      part of the core Freed organising group, but a
>      decision will be taken by voting within the ILUG-D
>      office bearers.
> 2. Freed 2008 is fixed for Fri./Sat., 22nd/23rd Feb.,
>    and will again be held at JNU. Please mark your
>    calendars. Some ideas about the event:
>    o Use independent sub-committees to handle different
>      tasks. These will report to the main organising
>      committee, but not everyone needs to be involved
>      in everything.
>    o We were successful, as usual, at getting students
>      to attend the event. However we need more outreach
>      efforts aimed at NGOs, government bodies, and other
>      non-profit organisations that are part of our target
>      group.
>    o Have fewer tracks, and more focussed, higher-quality
>      talks. Tentative areas of interest for the Feb. 2008
>      event:
>        - Multimedia
>        - Games
>        - Content development?
>        - Education?
> 3. Kapil Dua is writing a new conference management application,
>    with a first version due the first week of Nov.
>    o Raj Mathur: Specifications for application
>    o Niyam Bhushan: Interface design
> 4. We will actively approach various people from outside Delhi
>    to be remote organisers, participating in things like talk
>    selection, outreach, etc. If you would like to nominate
>    yourself for this, please send mail to the freed mailing
>    list (copied on this message).
> Regards,
> Gora

Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Freedom in Technology & Software || September 2007 ||
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PsyTrance & Chill:   ||   It is the mind that moves

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