>  Are you implying that there are holes in that site? Or are you
> merely hoping there might be some, to help your case?

Firstly, I wouldnt put it on a mail if there were no holes. Wouldnt it be a
waste of his time and mine.

If there are security holes there, as you state with nothing to
> back it up, what are they?

Secondly, if you are asking me to shed light on serious vulnerabilities on a
mailing list that will be the stupidest move. I wont do it. Perhaps, if he
is interested he can contact me for details or contract the experts to get
his sites pen tested.

some languages make it easier than others  to avoid
> security issues -- either by language constructs, or heuristics in the
> compiler or libraries that amelirate the effect of common human error.

        The case Kenneth might have been making is that Python is one
> such language, and PHP is not.  Knowing what I do about PHP, I find
> that thesis plausible.

I do agree due language constructs, some languages have an edge over others
but that doesnt mean that any application coded in it is unhackable or
uncrackable. If you think so I pity you. Good secure applications are only
coded with good programming habits but still not impossible to hack. I do
code in php, perl & python and even python apps are vulnerable if not coded
well or maintained properly.

Finally, thank you Manoj, for all your wisdom, time and suggestion. It was
not at all friendly or nettiquette. Will ignore the posts from now on.

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