Linux Lingam wrote:
> thanks guys for your inputs.
> wordpress looks like the winner so far.
> will give it a shot.

I have been using Wordpress for years, and have my own free advice to
give. :-P

Feature-wise wordpress can't be beat. No questions about it. Some
practical considerations here though ...

Self-hosted wordpress was a nightmare for me - not the software per se,
but the constant watching for updates to the software, and going through
the cycle of backup,replace software,  re-enabling customizations, etc.

I moved to hosted service a month or two back. With my own
domain being used, the cost was about $10/year. However, the
administrative hassles of keeping software updated was gone. I also
don't have to worry about backups, site uptime, etc.

Everything is peachy except for two constraints:
a. I have to use one of the themes they offer. To use my own theme I
   need to fork out more, which being the cheapskate that I am, I won't.
   Setup a free * account and checkout their themes if you
   are finicky about it.
b. You cannot use any javascript in the sidebar or any blog posting, for
   security considerations. So I could not, for example, run the Ubuntu
    Gutsy javascript counter, or the statscounter counter, or even
    google analytics.

If you can live with these (I now grudgingly can), then you would love .

- Sandip

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