On Nov 13, 2007 3:03 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 13-Nov-07, at 1:32 PM, मनीष wrote:
> >> this I will be more thankful if you will  put up your opinion on my
> >> queries.
> >>
> >
> > What Kenneth meant, I am sure, was that you would be more successful
> > _in getting your queries answered_.  You got him wrong.
> actually he got me right. If I have learnt only one thing in my
> interactions on international foss mailing lists, it is the
> importance of accuracy and precision in language. Look at the replies
> given in lists by core developers of practically any project. They
> use full sentences, carefully crafted and precise. They devote
> paragraphs to answers where I have been in the habit of using
> incomplete phrases. They use capitals in the places where capitals
> should be used - I and not i. I believe this reflects the accuracy
> and precision of the language they use in coding. And in commenting
> code. Laziness is an important characteristic of a good programmer -
> but that is creative laziness - the willingness to do a huge amount
> of work to avoid writing an extra line of code. The laziness behind
> using 'u' instead of 'you' is not that creative laziness - it is
> sloppiness, which manifests itself in innumerable typos in code. The
> same sloppiness and disregard of the rules of language that manifests
> itself in sms-speak, will manifest itself in the quality of code that
> person produces. And if a person respects language and takes pride in
> using it with accuracy and precision - that will reflect in his code.
> And he will also get his queries promptly attended to ...
Very well said. As one of the moderators of a large community, I get
so many messages asking
"Why don't you allow sms lingo, etc., etc.,". Sometimes I get
"y dnt u llow sms. i fin dis ful eng tipi tuff"
I wish people understood the importance of good language in written
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