Fri 30-Nov-2007: ILUG-D activity in last 7 days:
New/recent events: 0   Total events: 70
New Discussion forum postings: 3   Total postings: 966
1. RE:How we can create a web sever on linux
Author: Vineet daniel
Posted on: Thu, Nov 29, 2007

Dear your question is not specific as web server can be created in many ways 
like while installation etc.

But right now I assume that you have installed apache or httpd while 
installing, now first thing is open any web browser and type your ip address in 
the address bar if it shows welcome page then your WS is up an...

2. RE: How we can create a web sever on linux
Author: Vineet daniel
Posted on: Thu, Nov 29, 2007

Dear your question is not specific as web server can be created in many ways 
like while installation etc.

But right now I assume that you have installed apache or httpd while 
installing, now first thing is open any web browser and type your ip address in 
the address bar if it shows welcome page then your WS is up an...

3. telnet in redhat enterprise 5
Author: Sanjay bhardwaj
Posted on: Mon, Nov 26, 2007

Pls tell me how to telnet in red hat enterprise 5...

New News items: 3   Total News items: 258
1. Hiring  Linux Administrator Futuresoft Solutions
Author: Sumer Seth
Posted on: Tue, Nov 27, 2007

of  Linux Administrator below mentioned are the Desired skill set 

·Should have atleast  1.5 yrs experience In Linux Administration·         
·Should  have complete  knowledge of Designing &  deploying of  clusters thru 
Red Hat  Linux

· Experince on  Writing Scripts

Typically has a strong trouble-shooting and...

2. Hiring  Linux Administrator- Futuresoft Solutions
Author: Sumer Seth
Posted on: Tue, Nov 27, 2007

of  Linux Administrator below mentioned are the Desired skill set 

·Should have atleast  1.5 yrs experience In Linux Administration·         
·Should  have complete  knowledge of Designing &  deploying of  clusters thru 
Red Hat  Linux

· Experince on  Writing Scripts

Typically has a strong trouble-shooting and...

3. Hiring  Linux Administrator- Futuresoft Solutions
Author: Sumer Seth
Posted on: Tue, Nov 27, 2007

We are  hiring Linux Administrator below mentioned are the Desired skill set 

·Should have atleast  1.5 yrs experience In Linux Administration·         
·Should  have complete  knowledge of Designing &  deploying of  clusters thru 
Red Hat  Linux
· Experince on  Writing Scripts

Typically has a strong trouble-sho...

New Resources: 0   Total Resources: 0
New comments: 0    Total comments: 215
New pictures: 0    Total pictures: 220
New members: 4   Total members: 6127
1. Appalla Tejaswy, Other, , India
2. Sanjay bhardwaj, User, delhi, India
3. Sumer Seth, User, , India
4. Vineet daniel, User, , India
Send your suggestions, comments or feedback to admin_at_linux-delhi_dot_org

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Group - Delhi.
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