Fri 28-Dec-2007: ILUG-D activity in last 7 days:
New/recent events: 0   Total events: 71
New Discussion forum postings: 0   Total postings: 966
New News items: 0   Total News items: 258
New Resources: 0   Total Resources: 0
New comments: 0    Total comments: 217
New pictures: 0    Total pictures: 224
New members: 4   Total members: 6149
1. Arindam Samanta, User, west bengal, India
2. Goutham pilla, Novice, andhrapradesh, India
3. Raghav Sharma, Novice, New Delhi, India
4. RV Panchal, User, New Delhi, India
Send your suggestions, comments or feedback to admin_at_linux-delhi_dot_org

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Group - Delhi.
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