> It depends on the firmware version. All versions except the latest
> one are supported by Amarok, libgpod, rythmbox et. al. and you can
> safely use them to create the iTunesDB. If you use the iPod with
> Linux only, i.e. never try to "upgrade" to the latest firmware via
> iTunes, the iPod will happily sing for you everafter.

thanks anant for whispering words of wisdom in my darkest hour.
so do i let it be?
there will be an answer,
to how do i discover the firmware version?
or do i let it be,
and sleep beatless tonight?


> Cheers,
> Anant
> P.S. In any case, it is possible to restore the iPod to "factory
> defaults" erasing everything on the disk. Even if the initialization
> goes awry you can always connect it to iTunes and restore it.

oh! yeah, glad to know it gets back to where it once belonged.

get back ipod!

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