Good show, Abhishek!  My comments inline.

On Monday 31 Dec 2007, abhishek jain wrote:
> > > > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > When shall we start?
> A new wiki (created by myself, beware of the bugs) have been
> installed on , though it is in development and for now
> can be accessible via
> I would request all the people here to have a look at this wiki and
> give me your inputs. As this is an old group trying to renew itself
> and you guys here can give some vital inputs.
> I will particularly request the creators of ilugd delhi to pl. give
> me your feedback.

Looks like a Wiki :)  What software are you using for the Wiki?  And 
would you like to have a or 
type of URL pointing to the wiki?  On second thoughts, let's get some 
activity going there before we start making changes.

On a related note, how about all you PHP, Python, Java and Ruby coders 
out there?  Is there enough interest to start a Delhi/NCR coder group 
for any of these languages?  Let's have a show of interest please.

> As the design as of now is particularly bad but i am not a designer
> myself, i would ask where i can get a good template .
> Moreover if someone wants to be a moderator of the group pl. send me
> an email with your details i will be giving you the admin password.
> ILUGD people Help !!! I need a web-tetmplate and a logo for the
> group. Also i need to know how do you add discussions of the list to
> appear on the site. In later course and if the admin of ilugd agrees
> i can provide a feed url to be placed somewhere on the ilugd website.

That sounds like a good idea, except once again let's wait for some 
traffic to get generated.


-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Freedom in Technology & Software || February 2008 ||
       GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
PsyTrance & Chill:   ||   It is the mind that moves

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