Hey Raj & others...

Right now I need to go for a meeting, but I will answer each point if and
when I get the chance... meanwhile, here's a rejoinder from me...

Apps like twitter arose because the very character of the internet changed
because of ubiquitious server centric computing-- away from the days when
servers were the preserve of sun, silicon graphics and dec amongst others...
and folks could not even think of using network based computing for
something as trivial as sharing information about presence.

Twitter, Joiku, facebook are today what these lists were 10 years back-- in
1997... and in those days administrators were similarly kicking out people
for misusing internet ?

Why dont you instead try to explore this new world... who says one cant
reach out to thousands one doesnt know ? if the medium allows it... then why
not ?

Maybe you are all good-- but Raj, this mail-- along with your discourse
about backwardness-- and how it connects with freed-- made it sound
suspiciously like a "dictator knows what's best"-- to control resources and
authority- while citing a higher purpose.

Also, I think your mail is totally political-- intended to establish
dominance without alienating your own constituency-- and that stinks--
you sound like a communist advocating the "rule of the intelligentsia"--
before running a massacre.

Lingam; Sriram-- what I am saying abt groupism-- is based on my own
experiences as a professional and not on any political arguments.

Personally if Raj is some sort of authority figure-- I feel you should have
asked the fellows who insisted of making fun of Rizwan to shut up or be
kicked-- or atleast directed RIzwan to some "linux learning resource page"--
instead of letting people make a joke out of him.

Also, it is disgusting how people like Kenneth pick on individuals who are
new or out of their domain.

And instead of stamping out such bullying--- folks like Raj and Gora abet

That folks is not leadership... that's mobocracy... where you quote some
higher religion (like list etiquette) while letting riots run amok on the
ground... modi for pm anyone ? I'd rather die first.

Even if someone is different-- like that Rizwanur fellow--- or the guy with
bad spellings who Kenneth made fun of--- you leader types need to think
about how to make them part of it---
rather than quote some story... and why people should be killed for


On 1/9/08, Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 09 Jan 2008, Linux Lingam wrote:
> > [snip]
> >
> > may i recommend:
> >
> > a. a temporary suspend of the account with a transparent reason
> > worded politely.
> >
> > b. three counts of such suspension are followed by a ban.
> >
> > c. three counts of a ban.. oh wait!
> >
> > [decides to abstain from...]
> Thanks for volunteering to write the application that will keep track of
> each user's misdemeanours, his/her suspension period, his/her
> suspension revocation time, count of number of bans/suspensions, etc!
> I'm sure the list admin (Kishore) doesn't have time for keeping track of
> all this.
> Regards,
> -- Raju
> --
> Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
> Freedom in Technology & Software || February 2008 || http://freed.in/
>        GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
> PsyTrance & Chill: http://schizoid.in/   ||   It is the mind that moves
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