/Apps like twitter arose because the very character of the internet changed
/because of ubiquitious server centric computing-- away from the days when
/servers were the preserve of sun, silicon graphics and dec amongst
/and folks could not even think of using network based computing for
/something as trivial as sharing information about presence.
/Twitter, Joiku, facebook are today what these lists were 10 years back-- in
/1997... and in those days administrators were similarly kicking out people
/for misusing internet ?
/Why dont you instead try to explore this new world... who says one cant
/reach out to thousands one doesnt know ? if the medium allows it... then
/not ?


I totally agree with you.

RAS (regn, authentication, status) was a domain of high-end VOIP protocol
stacks... costing millions and tens of millions of dollars- today these
things encapsulated in the concept of "presence" have changed the way the
younger generation works and thinks.

Your observations are very good-- Also, what do you do professionally ? if
on orkut, linkedin or facebook, use my email ID to add me.


On 1/9/08, Priya Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Raj & others...
> Right now I need to go for a meeting, but I will answer each point if and
> when I get the chance... meanwhile, here's a rejoinder from me...
> Apps like twitter arose because the very character of the internet changed
> because of ubiquitious server centric computing-- away from the days when
> servers were the preserve of sun, silicon graphics and dec amongst
> others...
> and folks could not even think of using network based computing for
> something as trivial as sharing information about presence.
> Twitter, Joiku, facebook are today what these lists were 10 years back--
> in
> 1997... and in those days administrators were similarly kicking out people
> for misusing internet ?
> Why dont you instead try to explore this new world... who says one cant
> reach out to thousands one doesnt know ? if the medium allows it... then
> why
> not ?
> Maybe you are all good-- but Raj, this mail-- along with your discourse
> about backwardness-- and how it connects with freed-- made it sound
> suspiciously like a "dictator knows what's best"-- to control resources
> and
> authority- while citing a higher purpose.
> Also, I think your mail is totally political-- intended to establish
> dominance without alienating your own constituency-- and that stinks--
> you sound like a communist advocating the "rule of the intelligentsia"--
> before running a massacre.
> Lingam; Sriram-- what I am saying abt groupism-- is based on my own
> experiences as a professional and not on any political arguments.
> Personally if Raj is some sort of authority figure-- I feel you should
> have
> asked the fellows who insisted of making fun of Rizwan to shut up or be
> kicked-- or atleast directed RIzwan to some "linux learning resource
> page"--
> instead of letting people make a joke out of him.
> Also, it is disgusting how people like Kenneth pick on individuals who are
> new or out of their domain.
> And instead of stamping out such bullying--- folks like Raj and Gora abet
> it.
> That folks is not leadership... that's mobocracy... where you quote some
> higher religion (like list etiquette) while letting riots run amok on the
> ground... modi for pm anyone ? I'd rather die first.
> Even if someone is different-- like that Rizwanur fellow--- or the guy
> with
> bad spellings who Kenneth made fun of--- you leader types need to think
> about how to make them part of it---
> rather than quote some story... and why people should be killed for
> spamming...
> -Pri
> On 1/9/08, Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On Wednesday 09 Jan 2008, Linux Lingam wrote:
> > > [snip]
> > >
> > > may i recommend:
> > >
> > > a. a temporary suspend of the account with a transparent reason
> > > worded politely.
> > >
> > > b. three counts of such suspension are followed by a ban.
> > >
> > > c. three counts of a ban.. oh wait!
> > >
> > > [decides to abstain from...]
> >
> > Thanks for volunteering to write the application that will keep track of
> > each user's misdemeanours, his/her suspension period, his/her
> > suspension revocation time, count of number of bans/suspensions, etc!
> >
> > I'm sure the list admin (Kishore) doesn't have time for keeping track of
> > all this.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > -- Raju
> > --
> > Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
> > Freedom in Technology & Software || February 2008 || http://freed.in/
> >        GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
> > PsyTrance & Chill: http://schizoid.in/   ||   It is the mind that moves
> >
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