hmm, so many options to the seeker. Well, if you think a little, you will
shortly realise that instead of showing path,
you turn on lights in every direction and asked, "well let me know if you
can walk on charcoal road, or want flower-bed,
or maybe you can opt one that has some muds in-way, also there are many
others, please choose one".
Read carefully,And let me say, there is no linux which can make you perfect.
Though, if any distro creates situation to be
troubleshooted or researched on very frequently on every-step for newbies,
lesser would like to travel(specific to newbies).
Understand what the HUMAN is asking. Realise how human should answer.
We all are HUMAN... hmm a humanity for Smruti.

Note: I am not saying anything against any distro, I found every distro
exciting and frustrating. But I realised early that
those things are getting developed and shared among. It takes time, so I
opted debian based UBUNTU for my go.

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