On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 10:23:59 +0000 (UTC), Samal B

> Why are you interested in " we " version of my mail?? . It is not the
> question of writing cheques but it is to decide which OS to go for ?
> if things are free are they reliable ??

        Are you willing to accept an opinion from someone you do not
 know? I mean, if we all say Linux is reliable, how much can you rely on
 this statement? Secondly, the answer to the reliability of Linux/Apache
 would depend on your definition of reliability -- the term is
 sufficiently vague to render answers mostly meaningless.  Lastly, the
 term FOSS covers so much ground that an answer is not feasible, even if
 there is a concrete definition of reliability.  What are you looking to
 do? A Linux server, standing alone, and doing little, can stay up for
 years. Apache servers have stood up to the worst the 'net has had to
 throw at them.

        I strongly suggest you look at Eric Raymond's essay on how to ask
 questions intelligently; the answer you get would be far more useful.

Someday somebody has got to decide whether the typewriter is the
machine, or the person who operates it.
Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>  
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