Very good thoughts. At present I want to just give my comments.
I think Budhism needs to be studied more carefully than it is normally.
I am not a Buddist but have some idea. The Kshanikwad and why there 
is misary in the world is very well explained in Buddism. Redistribution of 
does not solve problem of poverty. It was done 4 times by a king of Tibet 
and wealth concentrated again due to system. It needs deep study of social,
political and economic understanding and deeper understanding of the forces 
in a particular society and a solution thereof.
thanks & Regards:
Prof. (Dr.)A.K. Pandey

----- Original Message ----
From: Linux Lingam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list <>
Sent: Thursday, 7 February, 2008 2:54:02 AM
Subject: Re: [ilugd] Creative Capitalism


a) bill has no choice but to defecate his billions. he can't digest it
all in this life. he can't take it with him to his grave. he can't
give it to his children and devastate them. too much wealth can
sometimes be a dreadful burden.

b) he's taking the most measured approach yet in recorded history, to
bring principles of capitalism to charity.

c) gautam buddha, mahavir, and a few saints who thought hard about the
inequality of wealth always found an easy way to equality: donate
wealth and become poor themselves. alas, all the wealth given away
through thousands of years by hundreds of wealthy people has not
eradicated poverty. yet. it has only made the wealthy poor by their
own choice, and helped quite a few assuage their 'money guilt' perhaps
because, as mario puzo once said 'behind every fortune there is a

d) bill is trying hard 'to do the right thing.'

e) he has studied the problems with charity, the inefficiencies and
even corruption that entwines charity, especially in poverty-stricken
countries run by despots, and is trying to offer a working solution.

f) the key difference in society today is that before the birth of the
software industry, and the industrial revolution, the wealth an
individual could generate was directly related to his or her efforts,
through products and services. the industrial revolution changed this
equation. the business models of intangible economies has created the
huge imbalance of wealth evident with microsoft, and even warren

could carry on with this topic, as it is quite fascinating and somehow
we all always knew that a day will come when this wealth will have to
be given away.

as krishna explains in the bhagwad-gita: no person can own wealth and
riches. at best, a person can only be its guard and caretaker
(chowkidaar) maximum for a complete lifetime. then it has to be given
away or will be snatched away, or bequeathed away.

the ownership of wealth is an illusion.
if you could really own it, you could take it with you beyond your grave.

rather than just give it away, bill is trying to use it save a life,
find solutions to real problems that cause, sustain, and even
aggravate poverty. that's his new measure of wealth. a new proposed
variable for measuring the wealth of the wealthy.

from 'where do you want to go today?' to 'what problem of humanity do
you want to try to solve today?'



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