Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Wondering if there was some way to get a web page saved to an image from 
> the command line?  I'm looking for some set of tools that could render 
> and save the page as an image without interaction from the user.
> One that would work without X preferred, but in a pinch X-based will do 
> too.

For non-x:

links2 with snapscreenshot (http://bisqwit.iki.fi/source/snapscreenshot.html),
should do it but I haven't tried it.

Within x I'd maybe mangle together xwd with -nobdrs,throwing in xwininfo
(applied to firefox) to extract firefox's window id from it followed by convert
(<- from imagemagick). Not sure if it can be done at that conveniently high
level though and how you'd hide the firefox shenanigans (send to dummy display
driver?). There is apparently a headless firefox around for this sort of thing.

Let me know how you do it in the end.


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