Shakthi Kannan wrote:

> 1. Enable wireless on laptop with master mode. Disable encryption.
> 2. Configure static IP address on the phone, and test ping between
> phone and laptop (wireless).
> To forward the requests between the wired and wireless connection, you
> will need to enable ip_forward on the laptop:
>   sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
> and enable NAT operation. For example:
>   sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE

For this, I would need a separate private network between the laptop and
the mobile, isn't it? Besides, outside my home, I do not have control
over the IP space used by the laptop to allocate one to the mobile.

I am also not comfortable using static IP even for testing(I understand
that it eliminates an unknown during testing), as my mobile is
definitely easier to manage with DHCP.

> I'd suggest that you google (or use any other search engine) for
> "Internet sharing with linux". For a start:

Sharing the internet connection on my linux machine is not an issue. The
additional pointers that I am looking at are mobile/wi-fi specific
issues to watch out for. Connecting without encryption and static IP
addresses is a problem I can solve. What after that?

- Sandip

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