hi all,
          I am using openbravo pos ... i downloaded bin files of it from
sf.net  (
         It started well by running start.sh file provided by openbravo pos
          For customising pos I downloaded openbravo pos src file from
sf.net .. now the start.sh is not starting the application..
its giving error as :

$sh start.sh
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

           I m using Kubuntu 7.10 ... also i tried with all java
environments that are there in synaptic ...[i.e. sun-java,gcj,j2re]. but it
didnt worked ...

            Has anyone encountered the same same problem ? can anybody help
me ??  Can anybody tell me where i have gone wrong  ??

with regards,
ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
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