Dinesh Shah wrote:

> What the kernel version has to do with running a program? It is the
> libraries that matter while running any binary. Some posters here has
> already asked the OP to run ldd and find the library dependencies.

there are a few applications which do require specific kernel versions. 
admittedly these are few, but these are from large ISVs as well.

> If you have a distro and your program which is LSB compliant you will not
> see much problems.

the configuration files may or may not be a problem, but there have been 
cases of applications not "just working" across RHEL3.x and RHEL4.x 
because of features included in the later version. a very rudimentary 
example could be applications assuming lower resistance from SELinux in 
RHEL5.x compared to RHEL4.x and failing in execution.

at the end of the day, the "runnability" of the application is something 
that is a function of the ISV development process which in turn also 
influences the OS development


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