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,--[ On Tuesday 22 Apr 2008, Raj Mathur wrote:
| On Tuesday 22 Apr 2008, Sudev Barar wrote:
| > I have a network with two types of thin clients. The ones with i810
| > mother boards render a java application in the browser with extremely
| > small font. While all other terminals render the same application
| > just fine.
| >
| > Apart from playing with all the settings for thin clients I have
| > played with BIOS. Played with font and rendering settings of firefox.
| > Downloaded and installed java6 fonts package. But there is no change.
| >
| > Any pointers? I do not think this is related to thin client set up
| > but unfortunately I do not have hardware to test this out and I can
| > not run this application anywhere else as it is running through
| > vpn-wan only accessible from my site.
| Not sure if this will help, but you could try changing the DPI in your X
| server to a lower or higher value.  That usually fixes small/large font
| issues.
| Alternatively (or in addition), you can select the 100dpi fonts first in
| your fontpath.  Not really a graphics expert, but I do remember one of
| these fixing the small/large font problem for me.
| In KDE I can also force the DPI in the Control Centre/Appearance &
| Themes/Fonts tab.  Higher DPI gives larger fonts.

DPI can be set using command line also, by executing:

abbe [~] chateau $ echo Xft.dpi: 100 |xrdb -merge

After this restart your browser for settings to take effect:

To make it permanent, append following to your ~/.Xresources or ~/.Xdefaults:

Xft.dpi: 100

And, BtW what WM are you running ? Xfce, IceWM or ....

- -- 
Ashish Shukla आशीष शुक्ल                      http://wahjava.wordpress.com/
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