On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 8:14 AM, Anupam Jain wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 4:38 PM, Manish wrote:
>  >   On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 7:11 PM, Manish wrote:
>  >   >  I have been following up with IDBI bank on the same issue for past few
>  >   >  weeks (they move slower than frozen molasses going uphill).  They were
>  >   >  told about Hall of Shame and their entry there.  I am getting nowhere
>  >   >  with them and am considering moving to AXIS bank.  Here's the latest
>  >   >  correspondance.
>  >
>  >  An encouraging update from IDBI on the above issue:
>  >
>  >  "We wish to inform you that the necessary rectification is under
>  >  process and you can log in to your Internet Banking account using
>  >  Linux and Firfox within 10 days. Kindly bear with us."
>  >
>  >  :)
>  Goes to show good intentions on the part of the bank, they actually
>  want to retain customers and are open to feedback. Assuming this is
>  the case with most organisations, I wish more Linux users would
>  complain when things don't work with free software. Complaining really
>  does work!

Possibly.  But they sent this response only after I had had enough
(approx. 3 months) and my language and tone showed that I was at the
end of the line and told them that I will kill my account within next

>  <gyan>
>  Reminds me of my college days when instead of using Matlab, I made it
>  a point to do all my assignments in Octave and explicitly print
>  *Generated using Octave* on every single graph I submitted. I'm not
>  sure if I brought about a big change but atleast I had fun explaining
>  what Octave is to people :)

:)  I am making lots of official reports using PDFLatex now, not
(just) because it's cool but also because MS Word was sucking life out
of me.  Emacs and LaTeX have really made it lots of things easy for

>  Passive Resistance is the key to all problems. It is not possible to
>  bring about change by compromising (using Wine/ie4Linux/Dual-booting
>  etc.). Make the effort on behalf of all Linux users and keep fighting
>  the good fight.
>  </gyan>
>   :)

Absolutely.  I have started discussions/debate with Lenovo starting
this afternoon to see if I can reclaim M$ tax (Vista Business).  I am
not against their installing the OS but not giving me a choice to buy
the computer with an alternate or no OS.  It's not for them to decide
what software I am going to run on my computer.  I'm writing this
email from the same laptop using Ubuntu 8.04.

Let's see how it goes.  I hope I have enough patience.

-- Manish

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