2008/5/15 Manish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Slight correction.  It only asks you to contact the reseller for
> their refund or credit policy, not that you _can_ get it.  It's then
> upto the reseller's refund/credit policy (which may not exist
> or be simply to deny such requests).  I guess they are only
> required by law to keep this clause there but may not be
> required to refund/credit anything. :)

Many people have got back their money.
A google search on "windows refund" fetches so many of this.


Dell has given such a refund and we should keep pressuring lenova
folks to follow suit.

പ്രവീണ്‍ അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്‍
<GPLv2> I know my rights; I want my phone call!
<DRM> What use is a phone call, if you are unable to speak?
(as seen on /.)
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