meanwhile, here's a copy-and-paste of the emailed response from
prashant L rao, the editor of express computer:


Here are my thoughts on the issue:

1. Most OEMs sell laptops with Linux/DOS preloaded on them. So you
don't *have* to buy a Vista machine.
2. Even if you do buy a Vista machine and decide not to use it, the
responsibility of refunding money lies with the hardware OEM as
Microsoft sells Windows to the OEM and it is the latter's
responsibility to support the user.

Prashant L Rao
Express Computer

have already responded offering some much-needed clarifications, and
with a request to consider handling this as an article.

i know a few friends from PLUG (pune lug) tend to lurk on this list,
and these friends have good contacts with the local and vibrant press
in pune and in maharashtra.
can this story be followed up there as well?

what about our friends from bangalore, chennai, calicut?


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