On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 7:43 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 17-May-08, at 12:11 AM, Linux Lingam wrote:
>> have exchanged a few emails with the editor of Express Computer as
>> well. he, well, for lack of a better word, expressed, his views on the
>> topic, and wondered why buy a laptop with windows if you do not want
>> that OS, just go ahead and buy the one with gnulinux. he also stated
>> what he thought would be the process for such a refund.
> I do not see why we should not reward those manufacturers that treat
> linux with respect and buy hardware from them. Maybe a small
> sacrifice that one will not get the 'exact' config one wants - but
> then, that is the price of freedom ...

Or maybe 'punish' the ones that don't by asking for refunds.. Just as
effective in my opinion and you can buy whatever machine you want..
It's the age of the consumer isn't it!

-- Anupam

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