Starting a new thread since the old one has been abused enough :)

> > Oh, are you saying that the application/web site has been designed
> > and implemented by these Foundation dudes?  If that is the case I'm
> > thoroughly disappointed -- I'd have thought that the luminaries
> > behind the Foundation (on the aboutus page) would have just a tiny
> > bit of a clue.
> Yes. :)
> From the aboutus page:
> "Krishna Rupanagunta - Chief Operating Officer: ... At eGovernments
> Foundation he not only takes care of operations but also leads the
> eGov Financial product suite."
> "Manu Srivastava - Director Product Development: ... He has
> architected and developed many of the eGov products such as -
> Property Tax Information System which is live in cities such as
> Bangalore, Delhi etc."

OTOH, since their Infy affiliations are pretty strong, I'm not surprised 
that they are pushing MS for all it's worth.  Infy showed it's (lack 
of) commitment to open standards and (further lack of) independent 
thought quite clearly during the OOXML process in India, and I believe 
even Narayanmurthy (if that's how you spell it) sent a personal mail to 
the PMO pushing OOXML.


-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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PsyTrance & Chill:   ||   It is the mind that moves

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