On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 3:39 PM, Shiv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> please share some other information like
>> rdesktop, vncviewer & other admin tools, e.g if i want
>> setup a cisco
>> vpn client etc,
> Yashpal,
> if you have ever used any flavor of Linux, including Ubuntu, you would find 
> that utilities like rdesktop, vncviewer and other admin tools >come bundled.. 
> Even if they didn't it's as easy/difficult as installing it from the 
> repositories using apt or yum etc. It is no different for the >Asus EeePC 
> with any Linux distribution. What you need to do though is to install 
> advanced desktop for Xandros (if you want to continue >using that) this link 
> will help ---> http://wiki.eeeuser.com/howto:getkde
> or install Ubuntu (like i did)

Sure, using Linux for more than 8 years professionaly and almost lost
in too many of linux distributions Redhat, fedora, SUSE, Ubuntu,
Debian :)) The issue i have got it i don't want to know how other
distribution works differently, in this case Xandros (aahh..) instead
just want to use yum, apt etc for any Linux distribution so that i can
get it up & working what i need as a tool, whenever. You may call me
too lazy, but, this is what too many things to remember, to do/
achieve same thing in different ways.

I could use yum,apt with this as well, is, great news to me, i would
try & check how everything goes. Infact i was looking for this..

> as regards cisco vpn client a quick google gives this --> 
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=298181

Will try this, after i could connect by this probably will switch to
this laptop. But does my company allow to use personal laptop ,
umm...., but i can connect from home anyway ;)

Thanks for your help!


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