On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 7:29 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> if the source is available feel free to post here

Well they are websites, and as such, source can be available, on demand :)

But I guess I should mention them, atleast to show the variety of use cases
drupal can handle for you:

   - Blog (http://angadsingh.in) -- My drupal blog. Most recent addition to
   the family. Everything that a blog has + cool stuff (like showing "similar
   posts" in the sidebar on the basis of matching keywords in other posts, etc.
   - Community Portal (http://www.jiityouthclub.org) - Events system,
   students can RSVP. Forum, Notices, User Blogs, Aggregated Blog, Polls, even
   shows all the user locations on a pretty map :)
   - Group Blog (http://www.jiitsunclub.org) - Not that built up, basic
   drupal installation for now.
   - Virtual InstallFest Website (http://installfest.jiitsunclub.org) -- a
   custom implementation of drupal for running a unique even wherein
   participants can view a live screencast of host's system, who installs an OS
   inside a VM and they follow along. The website provided an IRC-like chat
   room (phpFreeChat + it's module for drupal), feedback form system, etc.
   - College Library Website (its internal only) - issuing books, books
   inventory management, integration with Dspace repository of research
   material of faculty.
   - College Learning Management System - The de-facto student teacher
   interaction system at JIIT, course-wise assignment submissions with
   deadlines, notices / announcements system, special interest group
   sub-portals, Forums (with mailman bridge), Private Messages, authentication
   using LDAP (integration with college LDAP server), etc. (Work in Progress)
   - New Belenix.org Website - I am working on a revamp for them. Belenix is
   a LiveCD OpenSolaris distro, they use drupal. The upgraded one will have a
   community portal for belenix fans to post their tips, fan posts,
   screenshots, be able to login to the site using the mailing list password,
   the mailing list will be sync'ed with site's forums, etc. (Work in progress)

Angad Singh

"The best way to predict future is to invent it"
ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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