This may not be correct place but collective wisdom can perhaps point
me to a good resource.

I have a remote device that is generating data and is sending as a TCP
packet to designated IP:Port. If I open and set a non standard port I
am able to receive the packets using a listener. Problem is that the
host where I have to move this project allows listening only on port
80 (apache) or port 25/110 (mail) or port 22 (ssh)

How can I set up apache or iptables to log in incoming data packets
while at the same time allow apache to serve web pages?

My google time continues to turn up inconclusive leads.

Sudev Barar
Read for topics ranging from here to there.

PS: I know most of people do not follow email niceties (mostly they
are not aware) but if you follow bottom post/in-line post style of
email conversations it becomes a whole lot easier to carry on
meaningful dialogue and you can snip out what is not meaningful too.
Most people just hit reply button and top post leaving prior message
appended uselessly at bottom. See if you can adopt this style and
persuade others. In case you are already doing this ..... great,
spread the message.

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