
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 10:38 AM, Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As the subject says, is there an all-FOSS MS Exchange server
> replacement?  One that does mail and calendaring with LookOut at least.
> A built-in (or known to work) web-based mail and calendaring add-on
> would be nice to have

        Kolab [1] would be a good thing to look at and investigate
further. With the latest release 2.2, Horde is in there and it has
atleast 3 OL plugins. I use it ( from a clients perspective ) since
some years now.

       Only thing, that I don't like is the openpkg foobar but I don't
deal with it on daily basis or ever. Its for the admin and will
probably will have to configure it once during installation.

       [1] http://kolab.org/


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