  The workshop last Sat, 23rd Aug., at the ABES Engineering
College was a success, with some 100-odd students, faculty
from several colleges, and other people in attendance. A
fair amount of interest was also generated in ILUG-Delhi,
and we will hopefully have more people coming to meetings.

  I have added copies of presentations to the Wiki page at
Supreet, and Shantanu, please upload your presentations.
I have also added my views on the workshop under the Feedback
section of the above page, and would encourage other attendees
to do the same.

  We should have several more workshops in the next few months,
and I will be writing up some of my thoughts on such a programme.
In the meantime, it would also help if we could have a
discussion on how one ensures a continued engagement with the
colleges after such workshops.


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Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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