On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 6:05 AM, Jeba Singh Emmanuel | जेबा सिंह
ईम्मेनुयेल <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How about having some systems running games available for visitors to play
> with? Different types maybe, arcade, racing, fps etc. Linux has quite a few
> which are nice (supertux, torcs, openarena etc.). That would attract some
> new users and would be an excuse to bring our non-tech friends along. It
> could be a side attraction event maybe?

Great idea Emmanuel! :)

Folks, Emmanuel is coming over to Sarai to set up some computers with
games this Sunday afternoon. So we thought of extending this 'setup'
event and holding a full fledged LAN gaming orgy complete with Snakes
and Chai.

We would like everyone interested to come and have a ball. Also, if
you folks have any more ideas in gaming on linux (like games on wine
and it's derived projects dedicated to gaming emulation) then please
bring them forth and contribute. Bringing your own system is highly
encouraged. We have a wireless network setup.

This can be considered as a teaser to the Software Freedom Day for
sharing ideas in this arena which keeps a big share of people (gamers)
away from FLOSS.

Event: LAN Party
Venue: Sarai
Time: 2:00 PM, Sunday, 7th September

Directions to Sarai - http://www.sarai.net/about-us/contact

For any more information feel free to mail me or reply to this.

Kind Regards
ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 
  • ... Swapnil Bhartiya
    • ... Pratul Kalia
    • ... Swapnil Bhartiya
      • ... Nandeep Mali
        • ... Ajay Bramhe
      • ... Jeba Singh Emmanuel | जेबा सिंह ईम्म ेनुयेल
        • ... Ajay Bramhe
          • ... Raj Mathur
        • ... Gora Mohanty
        • ... Nandeep Mali
          • ... Swapnil Bhartiya
            • ... Gora Mohanty
              • ... Ajay Bramhe
              • ... Swapnil Bhartiya
                • ... Gora Mohanty
                • ... Ajay Bramhe
                • ... Gora Mohanty
                • ... Linux Lingam
                • ... Gora Mohanty
                • ... Swapnil Bhartiya

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