2008/9/23 Gaurav Mishra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 2:13 PM, Sudev Barar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Wish this had come before to add cheer to SFD.
>> Anyways a little bird tells me that in next few days one of the top
>> three softwares biggies in India is moving to whole sale use of
>> OpenOffice. I am sure this would have positive impact on useless
>> holdouts who always derided OSS as being second rate without even
>> touching with barge pole.
> I confirm this news, one of them is Infosys AFAIK

Then that will make it two of top three. Cost cutting is the new
mantra and now they are waking up...join the party.

Sudev Barar
Read http://blog.sudev.in for topics ranging from here to there.

PS: I know most of people do not follow email niceties (mostly they
are not aware) but if you follow bottom post/in-line post style of
email conversations it becomes a whole lot easier to carry on
meaningful dialogue and you can snip out what is not meaningful too.
Most people just hit reply button and top post leaving prior message
appended uselessly at bottom. See if you can adopt this style and
persuade others. In case you are already doing this ..... great,
spread the message.

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