> finally! the exciting news and development i've been waiting to see  
> all through 2008.
> will the story of the pc versus mac, and the macOS versus windowsOS,
> repeat all over again?

Can't say for sure.

> despite cutting my teeth on apple and macs, i am all for android.
> here is a first heads-up that should get all of you agog
> about the Next Big Thing (NBT).

How has your experience been with G1? I am excited to hear from the one who  
has touched the device.

> my conclusion:
> the human hand was designed to also unclench its fist, open its palm,
> and give and receive.
> a closed proprietary paradigm won't make a digital handheld in the age
> of freedom.


> apple hubris all over again.
> except this time, the world has learnt its lessons
> even if apple hasn't.
> thus we'll be wary of microsoft-like predatory greed,
> and embrace muft and mukt paradigms instead.

Which lesson?

> regards
> niyam

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