On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 7:44 AM, Swapnil Bhartiya <

>> Looks like Google has imbibed enough wisdom about screwing developers
>> from Apple.  If you write a FOSS application you may be be able to use
>> all the features of the Android.  And G reserves the right to remotely,
>> unilaterally disable applications on your phone if they (G) don't like
>> them:
>> Regards,
>> -- Raju
> Apple is setting some very evil practices. While Google at least
> acknowledged that in its license agreement, Apple did not even admit
> existence of the kill switch unless some users woke up to see their
> intsalled application is gone. On a PC i am free to install what ever U
> like, WHF, Google and Apple should control my choice of application.
> Google is heading towads becoming another Microsoft -- withe a good face.
> As of now it appears as a control on so called malicious applications, but
> this is beginning of new 'control' mechanism. In this case where is Google's
> do no evil policy? Here M$ appears to be a good boy as non of their phones -
> 'Widows' Mobile has any such kill switch. Google and Apple are starting a
> new front, it should be severely criticised where ever possible, in every
> new item, in every blog.
> Swapnil

*news item

Swapnil Bhartiya
Mobile: 09910956518
I use Free Software, what do you use?
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