> secondly, we all tend to forget the mac hardware is an excellent
> device on which to run debian and especially ubuntu.

Mac only looks good. I used to use G4 for film editing and it used to crash
if you open Word while you work on FCP.

that's what you
> see most people do at foss conferences.
> great and well-engineered hardware for running the world's greatest
> and free operating system: GNU/Linux.

And I thought developers used Apple machines so that they can test their
application on multiple platform?

> thirdly, the industry's well-kept open-secret (!): the mac, well, er..
> inspires the next features and eye-candy for everyone. if you have to
> build a better and a free world, you could start from existing
> paradigms implemented poorly and at times pathetically, or you could
> start from those implemented brilliantly and imaginatively, and
> sometimes, far-ahead of the rest of the pack.

Its just Steve Jobs, plain and simple! The company has NO vision, but Jobs.
He created Pixar, he created NEXT. Once Jobs is gone, which I dont
personally wish, Apple is gone. Coz apple, to me, is all about I candy.

fourthly, (in my case) when i have to choose a proprietary software,
> say for running a specialised piece of hardware ( an industry
> measuring instrument or something, or even a specific printer until
> replaced by a foss-friendly one, or specialized music-production gear,
> or audio/video gear) where the foss world has catching up to do, while
> my life's running out, i'd rather use mac than windows.

Mac only looks Good, you can get a better Dell Machine with same much better
comfig than any sulking Mac. Except FCP, all major A//V softwrae AVid,
VElocity, Media 100 and Adobe Premiere run on Wine-Dose.

> fifth, when all else fails, and you wish to be platform-agnostic, you
> could triple-boot a mac with all three operating systems.

I don't want to be platform indepentent. I want to be Mac and WIne-dose free


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