Chirag Anand wrote:

> We are hosting a programming competition in our college this weekend. We
> have a RHEL 4 server in our college on which we are planning to upload the
> code, compile the code there only and matching with the output. The problem
> is, that we want everyone to do all this from their rooms, from where the
> server is directly accessible. We dont people to go to labs and code. This
> will increase participation. But i am not able to find a script that does
> this, which can be run on the server through apache.

Would you like them to code while logged into the server or, just upload
the code on to the server and run it ?

Either way, would allowing uploading code to appropriate /home for the
users and asking them to compile it work ?

Since it is RHEL4, using various gcc versions to code/test and then
running it on the RHEL4 box might lead to fun :)

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