Hello all,

Here is the link to a project http://code.google.com/p/offline-wikipedia/ .
I have been working on this idea from last two months or so.Although in this
ever-connecting world via internet, this idea seems to be obsolete, but
right now we are far away from that situation(atleast 2 years). And untill
then i think this application might prove handy. Target of this project is
to come out with DVD distribution, having all the content of english
wikipedia, and if some-one wishes to install it, it should be able to do so
in less then 5G space(One can give that much space given the cheap rates of
memmory now a days) and finally make it good enough that it can make upto
this link http://download.wikimedia.org/dvd.html .
Now here are some links for some attempts made to create offline wikipedia
already among these i have worked around first one heavily as it seemed to
me as more logical and complete:

2. http://code.google.com/p/bzreader/
3. http://code.google.com/p/daluang/
4. http://code.google.com/p/pyswim/

All of this ideas(except last one) work around using compressed xml file
provided by mediawiki.(http://download.wikimedia.org/)
First one among above mentioned list uses mediawiki parser itself to convert
xml to html. Now here i had to create equivalent python parser for the same.
Second one is a browser which allows you to read xml content, which renders
articles in some to make them readable. Third and fourth are i guess more
near to my approach but they are using them for i guess chinese and
indonasian content of wikipedia. All in all except from first link no-one
else attempted to create working offline english-wikipedia.

Right now i have a working configuration but it will take around 4G of
space, i am looking for place to host it, and will post it as soon as it is
done, until then i thought it would be good to at least share the idea, and
get some feed-back/reaction. As far as future is concerned, it can be ported
to work on OLPC-sugar, once it meets all requirements, can be distributed as
DVD's just like Britanica or encarta(both are propritory).
I have tried to explain everythin in readme files and Install files, but
still in case some-one wants more direction or help can contact me


Thanks to nandeep(n9986) for last minute commits, due to which code base of
project became some-what presentable.
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