On Wed, 18 Feb 2009 11:34:43 +0000
Yashpal Nagar <yashna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On one of a servers I recently build with SLES 10 SP2,  I didn't created any
> ssh private and public key pair -- id_rsa and id_rsa.pub for root user
> When i tried to ssh this server it gave me offending key warning on my local
> server (/home/yash/.ssh/known_hosts)  because I had recently formatted the
> target host, So the finger print/key is changed which is normal.
> But the problem is when i tried to locate the public key in
> /home/yash/.ssh/known_hosts I didn't find any key with a reference to my
> target host/IP alongwith. All I found is a file, with full of keys and its
> damn diffcult to find which I was looking for, Generally i look for target
> hostname/IP,

The error message from the command-line ssh client should
include a line number in /home/yash/.ssh/known_hosts. Simply
remove that line.


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