On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 17:54:24 +0530
Nalin Savara <nsn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (1) How are people "locked into Lamp" ?
> --> because many people/sites use Drupal, Joomla, PHP etc-- and incase a
> particular platform vendor decides to fork the offering into a premium and
> non-premium offering; then it is easier for them to pay for premium service
> than to take the risk of re-engineering tens of thousands of code to use a
> different underlying platform component eg: database.

Um, that is a strange definition of lock-in. I am not quite sure
what you mean by a "platform vendor", but I am guessing that it
is somene who hosts the entire LAMP (though I am not sure where
Drupal, and Joomla fit in) stack for a company. If the company
deems the extra payment for your hypothetical forking into a
premium version worth it, surely that is *their* business
decision. They could: (a) Hire someone else to host their stack,
or (b) Develop in-house expertise, and to hell with the rest of
the world. A LAMP company whose business model depended on such
forking would soon find itself in the poorhouse.

True lock-in is when you do not have these options, because your
application has come to rely on proprietary *extensions*. I find
it incredible that you are accusing LAMP folk of fostering
lock-in, when Oracle is one of the poster boys for such.

> (2) Why good for people at large--
> well; I nevva said good for ppl at large-- it's just that it's a amazing and
> exciting opportunity for the people at oracle to experiment and be totally
> experimental and out of the box about their strategy and approach-- because
> it's not as if there's a salesforce chasing the existing customers that will
> rebel.

True, that you never said that it was good for people at large,
but again why should an open-souce mailing list care about the
fortunes of a company that is among the most opposed to open

> Customer discontent not having as loud a political voice--- can simmer for
> longer-- and can be handled more cheaply.

Customer discontent? Bah to you, and your ilk. You should meet
some of the local companies that have been forced to hire
so-called Oracle database experts.

> This is almost as exciting a strategy experiment opportunity that the people
> at microsoft had.

Please go and shill for proprietary companies elsewhere.


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