Summary: Never even try to use M$ Office

Excerpts from

"The technical details are all on Rob’s blog, but in summary, when
opening an ODF spreadsheet (.ods file) using Office 2007, it simply
removes all existing formulas without telling anything to the user,
leaving only the values in cells (results of formulas evaluation,
previously stored in the document). If a user wants to test the ODF
support in Office, and without giving due attention, save an existing
spreadsheet, will overwrite the document removing all the formulas (as
if you were writing a table). I saw absurdities in life, but nothing
compared to this.

When using Office 2007 to generate a new worksheet, the formulas will
be stored in a way that only will be understood by Office 2007 (or by
CleverAge, an MS Office plug-in to support ODF, developed as Open
Source and sponsored by Microsoft), eliminating the possibility that
any other existing application could be used to usefully read the

While the first problem simply throw out all the business intelligence
inside the spreadsheet (formulas), the second locks in the user on
Office 2007 forever (we have seen this movie before…).

The justification that could be used by Microsoft about it, is the
lack of spreadsheet formula definition in ODF 1.0/1.1. Interesting to
note that in ODF 1.2 (which is developed with the participation of
Microsoft) this problem has been resolved with the creation of

The first comparative table of Rob’s post, summarizes a test on the
same subject that he did a few weeks ago, it is easy to see that even
without any spreadsheet formula definition inside ODF 1.1,
interoperability between the tested set of existing applications (
KOffice, OpenOffice, Google Docs, Symphony and Sun’s plug-in for
Office) really exists on the real world (except for CleverAge that
presented some problems). This means that all other developers are not
concerned only to ‘comply with standard’s requirements’ (conformance)
but also in developing a truly useful and interoperable application to
users. Rob also says that the set of formulas used by these
applications (based on OpenOffice) was developed based on existing
formulas from Excel (at least ironic, huh?).

Microsoft Office 2007 does not support encryption (password
protection) in ODF documents !

I generated a simple text document (.odt) in ODF using OpenOffice and
saved it with password protection. I sent the document (and password)
to several friends and the result was the same: MS Office cannot open
the document because it is password protected (some of those friends
also have installed on their computers other tools that support ODF
and on 100% of those tools it worked).

I also asked them to generate a document in Office 2007 with password
protection and send me, but they said that when trying to do this,
MSOffice presented a warning message saying that you cannot use
password protection using the ODF format.

I would really like to find a good technical explanation for this,
since the encryption and password protection are fully specified in
ODF 1.0/1.1 (item 17.3 of the specification), and they are using
existing algorithms, very familiar to any developer.

A comment from Rob in his post (that not dealt with the encryption) is
able to comment with mastery the problem I found (and I fully agree
with him):

“…I was taught to never assume malice where incompetence would be the
simpler explanation. But the degree of incompetence needed to explain
SP2’s poor ODF support boggles the mind and leads me to further
uncharitable thoughts… ”




A. Mani

A. Mani

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