On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Linux Lingam <linuxlin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear anupam,
> if i read your need correctly, you wish to view and comment on
> documents in a collaborative environment.
> Hence the need to read comments in pdf. You mention you've asked
> people to move from msoffice fileformats to pdf.
> Maybe it's too late to recommend another workflow, but here's what i use:
> ask everyone to turn on 'record changes' and 'view Changes' in oo.o on
> any platform. Plus oo.o allows you to embed comments in-line. It
> works.

In hindsight, that's what I should have suggested.

The problem here is that asking people to send me DOC files instead of
DOCX usually draws a blank stare. They have no idea what I am talking
about "Do you want a Word doc or not?". I have to explain how to NOT
choose the default extension and instead save as a Word 2003
compatible document and that is too complicated for them. Microsoft
really hit a home run here with creating confusion.

If instead I ask them to send me only PDF files, they understand what
needs to be done. I had assumed that atleast reading comments would be
well supported in Linux. I was wrong.

> the other option is to use a CMS on which you upload your files and
> add comments on the cms. Example: plone.

Well the comments have to be on specific parts of the document, so
this is not an option.

> on another note, please share whether installing acroread helped.

Sort of. I can read comments easily. Still cannot edit them but that
is a lower priority right now. When I really do need to edit / add
comments I will use PDFEdit.

Xournal's PDF support seems pretty good though and it's a very useful
application if you have a tablet. It doesn't help my situation but for
people sharing PDF files between GNU/Linux machines, it's another good

-- Anupam

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