On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 2:58 PM, Pawan <pee...@hotpop.com> wrote:

> Nalin Savara <nsn...@...> writes:
> > You yourself know that a single or 2-3 abbreviations in 500-800 words of
> > messages I sent today is no big deal.
> Er...it is a big deal if you are trying to preach, and it stands out so
> dreadfully in the short mail you sent preaching nettiquette - it made *my*
> eyes
> bleed anyway.
> Practice what you preach, or you look like a hypocrite. And then the
> validity of
> what you preach is believed less, even if it *is* completely true.
>From XKCD <http://xkcd.com/386/>

[image: Duty Calls]

-- Anupam
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