On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Karanbir Singh<mail-li...@karan.org> wrote:
> On 08/23/2009 06:28 AM, Sudev Barar wrote:
>>>> My company is on 99.9% Wind--s. They have one or 2 Linux box and wants
>>>> me to put Antivirus and Antispyware on it. They know Linux does not need
>>>> them but still want these softwares to be there.
> wont selinux meet the requirements for an anti-spyware ?

Though the functions of spyware, selinux might sound same but their
contexts are different.

Selinux is developed into the Linux kernel space to help to have
tighter control on the all the processes e.g how  they can interact
with files, devices, sockets, ports etc within the system.  Which can
be implemented by system defined policies.

So more precisely selinux is developed to enhance the Linux system
security beyond the trival system access controls granted in the form
of file permissions, privileges etc

On the other hand a spyware is nothing but a software which is
presumably written outside kernel space and  meant to be used for
fishing the information, to move/copy the information from one place
to another. A spyware can exploit any software system/app and used
that as a tool to hack the system information. A spyware is not
necessarily to be used as a means of enhancing the system security of
a Windoz box like in the case of selinux.


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