> On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 8:42 PM, narendra sisodiya <
> narendra.sisod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> May ILUGD and Sarai members give us the link to some
> articles/tutorials/booklet which you feel suitable to distribute on
> Introductory Course Material for FOSS workshops in new Engg colleges.
> If anybody has such booklet ,, Also the initial thought in my mind for
> giving these contents, Please feel free to add topics

There have been a couple of booklets in the pipeline at Sarai related
to this. A couple of publications on How to Localize and Pocket Linux
are also in the queue (by Rajesh Ranjan and Ravishankar Shrivastava

We also had one booklet on general FLOSS philosophy already completed
(though we had run out of them). Let me see if I can find more copies
of them at Sarai.

If you have some wiki link we can add some potential topics there.

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 9:13 PM, Nalin Savara <nsn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And a embedded link to "Google Translate" service-- that will save a lot of
> the hassles of paper booklets-- and people not strong in english can even
> see translations in hindi, and other languages ?

In my opinion Google Translate is very bad for translating entire
articles. The grammar etc. gets botched up pretty bad. Its still
nowhere a replacement for a properly localized text (i.e. by a human).

> Will help solve a lot of limitations of paper-- and will also be
> environmentally friendly...

That might be true but distributing booklets cannot be considered less
effective than internet. At least IMHO. I'll still prefer a book over
an HTML link handed out to me. Why not have both?


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