> I'm trying to install RHEL 5.4 from DVD. During start installing process it
> gives error : "file ncurses-5.5-24-20060715.i386.rpm cannot be opened. This
> is due to missing file, a corrupt package of corrupt media. Please verify
> your installation source."
> Please let me know urgently what can be done to fix this issue.

Assuming that you have downloaded the CD from Red Hat Network, you
might want to check it and perhaps reburn the ISO. Or, go get the RPM
in question and check the MD5 of that a compare it against the one on
the CD.

If the media was shipped to you and it is defective, please do contact Red
Hat (or Red Hat partner) to get a replacement.

There really is no problem in sorting this out.  It is pretty straight forward.

Hope this helps.

Disclosure: I work for Red Hat

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