>> Do read the EULA.  You are obligated NOT to use it after 30 days,
>>although it will continue to run.
>> Harish
>> Disclosure: I work for Red Hat
> The same thing applies for RHEL 5.0 as well?

A customer with an expired subscription can continue to run RHEL. The
trial offer is for people who are trying to understand how support works,
how RHN works etc. In accepting to run as a trial, you would have agreed
to subscribe and if you choose not to do so, to not continue to run the
system.  Please re-read what you accepted.  Since the code for RHEL
is all GPLed, you can, if you choose to, download the code and compile
it and run it without a subscription.

BTW, a RHEL subscription is version independent.  Once you are a
subscriber, you can choose any version you need.  That is the inherent
value of the subscription - version independence.

Hope this helps.


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